Thursday, November 22, 2007


    The Bible instructs believers to pray "without ceasing," which is more difficult than most of the better-known Ten Commandments. Are you really supposed to pray constantly, continuously? What about eating and sleeping? And working? And building relationships with your family and friends? And listening to music? And watching movies? And doing homework? And checking out the newest stuff on the Internet?

    Is it possible to pray all the time?

A posture of awareness

    From my perspective, prayer is a posture. By that, I mean that it's a way of approaching God -- and it's a way of approaching your life. A "prayer full" posture does not mean one literally spends days, weeks, months and years on the knees locked in conscious conversation with God. Rather, life is spent growing ever more aware of the source of deepest gladness and trust-- in constant comunication through that awareness.

    Be a person of prayer -- in a posture of awareness of and gratitude to God. For further insight into prayer, read Philippians 4:6-9. For the prayer Jesus taught to his followers, read Matthew 6:5-15.

More Scriptures on prayer
Following the links below will take you straight to the Bible text:
    Psalm 34:4-8 -Those who look to the Lord are never shamed.
    Psalm 34:15 -His eyes on the righteous.
    Proverbs 3:5 -He will direct your paths.
    Jeremiah 33:2-3 -Call and He will answer.
    Matthew 7:7-11 -Ask, seek, knock.
    Mark 11:24-25 -Forgive others, THEN pray.
    Luke 18:1-7 -Parable of prayer and never giving up.
    John 14:14-16 -Obey, THEN pray.
    Romans 8:26 -The Spirit intercedes for us in prayer.
    Ephesians 3:20 -He is able.
    Hebrews 4:14-16 -Approach the throne with confidence.
    James 1:5 -Pray for wisdom.
    James 5:16-18 -Confess, THEN pray. Elijah's example.

Finally, if you're having trouble praying, notice the common thread in the above passages. Is there unconfessed sin in your life? Lack of obedience? Someone you need to forgive? Make it right first, THEN pray.

taken from

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