Thursday, November 22, 2007


    Perhaps you are sitting in the library of a university with enough students, staff and faculty to populate a small city. Or maybe you are working at your desk in a corporation whose assets rival the gross national product of some nations. You are surrounded by people -- hundreds, perhaps thousands of people in close proximity each day. And yet, you feel the pain of being lonely . . . detached . . . unconnected.

    You are, if I may say so, not alone.

A society of acquaintances

    You and I both know well that the lament of loneliness is one of the most common anthems of our time, We fill our schedules with wall-to-wall events and pack in meeting after meeting, phone call after fax response. But despite all the people and all the activity, we so rarely link ourselves deeply with others. We have become a society of clients more than colleagues . . . acquaintances more than friends.

    Los Angeles once was described to me as a thousand suburbs in search of a city. It strikes me that our society has become like the sprawl of L.A. We are often little islands of self-absorbed, self contained individuals in a futile search for the solid continent of community.

    In our aloneness, we have plenty of company.

A Constant Companion

    But, in truth, we are never really alone. People may let us down. Friends may disappoint us. Families sometimes fracture. But Someone is always with you. You can find Him in Psalm 23, declaring that He is with you. And in Isaiah 41:10, assuring that He'll strengthen and help you. Say hello to a companion on whom you may always count.

More Scriptures on loneliness
Following the links below will take you straight to the Bible text:

    Proverbs 18:24 -A friend closer than a brother.
    Jeremiah 17:14-17 -Refuge in the day of disaster.
    John 14:1-6 -Let not your heart be troubled.
    John 14:26:28 -The Spirit's comfort.
    John 16:1-16 -Why you are not alone.
taken from

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